Need voice actors for Dragon Age, Knights of the Fallen Empire. Ask me a couple questions and I will record them.
Jan 30, 2018
Please refer to this image: Please refer to the description I have given to the image. I am asking for a professional recording of a voice actor. Please do not just have the character say "hello". I need a full voice act for each race.
Feb 27, 2018
Its nice to be here with you all. I have one simple task to perform for you all, I'll be recording a couple races, mostly Tamlin, Nord, Valnord (I've never played them).
Work in progress. Hello everyone, working on one of the major bugs on the engine (only thing I've fixed in the engine for Origins), has resulted in making the whole city of Whiterun partially invisible during some parts of the nighttime. I've worked on it for about 1 month now, and I'm ready to share the result.
Hi everyone. I've recently started playing Dragon Age: Origins again, and I decided to record my playthrough. There are two voices in the file: The first is of a young lad who's speaking in the tavern, and the other is of a man who's speaking to him during the part with Zevran. Both voices are mine.
I've played on normal difficulty, although I'd prefer playing on hard.
If you want to know more, you can e-mail me at ddouga061@gmail.com
Work in progress. Working on the floating cities feature which, at the moment, only allows you to fly directly over them. The sky has no texture. The fog and storm are also missing, as are the other floating cities that can be found in the world.
However, it's playable and very fun!
I will be using this as my WIP channel on youtube:
If anyone wants a voice over or just wants to record a playthrough of Origins on hard difficulty, let me know, I'll give you feedback and advice!
(He's not telling him it's either or.)
Intro: Okay, so, I took the plunge and started using Vocaloid. What follows is a ac619d1d87
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